Christmas in Chicago

Let’s begin by saying that you never know what’s gonna happen from day to day. I’m a true type A; I plan ahead and have been known to color code my Google calendar. I planned for every single day during my stay in Chicago from 12-13 to 1-05. My birthday dinner with Terry, Jeff and Debi ended up minus Jeff.

My birthday celebration with the kids went from a Thai food luncheon to bowling. My choice🎳😀.

The kids were not indulging me in a photo session and when they were ready I was not. Clearly.

I enjoyed an afternoon at the Christkindle market downtown Chicago.

Then I met Wendy at Rosebud for lunch. Always fun to catch up with that girl!

Besides, she has a great app for making photos look goooooood.

I met Nancy for dinner in Lincoln Park the same night. No photos, but great conversation. My jeans are definitely getting snug.

Some traditions never get old. Looking at holiday lights with Maryl and Meredith was a blast from the past!

Then the true excitement begins! Stephanie and Jack became engaged on Friday December 22!

We celebrated with them and many others at the Green Door in Chicago until about midnight. Then, at 6:30 the next morning, Terry wakes up feeling not so good. He ended up having an angioplasty with 2 stents put in. No photos here. Just a couple of days where I didn’t know whether I was coming or going. Terry feels fine now. We’ve got an even score. I scared him last February and he scared me. DONE.

Christmas Eve was not at my sister Debi’s place like always. She has the most wonderful Christmas trees and decorations. Instead, Terry got released from the hospital and we celebrated in our apartment with Mike, Katie, Jack, and Stephanie. It was lovely and we both felt so grateful to be with family in Chicago.

Christmas Day was another small celebration at Terry’s sister’s place in Mt. Prospect. One thing that we truly miss is the presence of little children during the holidays. Adults are boring.

The day after Christmas I went wedding dress shopping with Katie! She looks beautiful in every dress she puts on. No spoiler alert, sorry.

I’m hoping this polar plunge doesn’t hang around much longer. Single digit temperatures that keep me inside is too much of a change for me. I’m ready for an umbrella drink and sunshine on my shoulders again.

Terry and I counted our blessings this holiday season. But we quit counting because we realized we have an infinite number of blessings to count. Instead, we take one day at a time, cherishing what has been given to us and looking forward to our future together.

3 thoughts on “Christmas in Chicago”

  1. Oh boy! TERRY! I bet you never scheduled that shite. I am grateful he is back. Sorry for that excitement. Yes, it is boring with adults, I’m grateful we had a Grand nephew to keep us entertained on Christmas. Love love love your blog and both of you! Happy. Healthy New Year!

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