San Felipe Mexico

We left El Centro and headed south to Calexico for the border crossing. The agents were very respectful and only asked for our passports and vehicle registration. I walked over to the visitors office to get visas for both of us. My Spanish came in handy for that.👏

I returned to the RV and Terry was waiting patiently. He wasn’t sure if we got cleared to go, but since nobody was near us, we took off. Seriously, they could probably run and catch us, if they wanted to. PeeWee doesn’t move quickly out of the gate. Anyway, we made it through Mexicali and headed further south down Highway 5. It didn’t take too long to get into the rough and unforgiving landscape that is Mexico.

The highway was a little rough, and the wind was howling. Terry did a great job keeping PeeWee and the Toad on course. Suddenly, Terry yells for me to go back to the bedroom and check the window. So I unbuckle and quickly make my way to the bedroom and WTH the entire window and the shade are flapping in the wind as we fly 60 mph down the highway! I had to use all my magical powers to put it back in the track and secure the latches. 💪. Crisis averted! No photos LOL. But here are some landscape shots:

Oh, I forgot to mention the sandstorms. Made for an exciting ride.😳

After some interesting arguments with the GPS and each other, we made it to Victor’s RV park in the town of San Felipe. It’s a very quiet place on the Sea of Cortez. And it’s also very rustic.

We have plenty of space and the sea is steps away. 5 minutes after we arrived, we met a couple from the south side of Chicago! They have been coming down here for 12 years.

Then, I got a message from a friend I made while we both were camping in California (Lassen National Park). Kelly and I have enjoyed staying in touch during our travels, so when I found out her and her husband Mark and their baby Bella were in San Felipe, we immediately made a date to meet at the malecón.

Kelly and Mark are a wonderful couple. They live to serve impoverished communities of Mexico. Mark is “that guy” that can fix just about anything and Kelly is a teacher who is passionate about teaching and giving back. And that adorable baby!!! I loved holding her. 💕 I sure hope we meet again someday.

Well, the people here are open and friendly. We quickly made friends with Carlos and Cesar. They even invited us to eat fresh barbecued grouper!

They are a rowdy group.

This fish’s next life is ceviche.

I sampled some aged tequila that was ooooohhh so smooth. Then I saw the rattlesnake in the bottom of the jar!

Today is a clear, sunny, slightly breezy day. Terry went to play golf. I’m here by the Sea of Cortez, remembering my dear brother who passed 2 years ago today. Healing is a process that cannot be rushed. I’m appreciative of my alone time for awhile today. Much love to you all. Pass it on.

3 thoughts on “San Felipe Mexico”

  1. So cool, Annette! Great job, Terry all that driving and in a sandstorm. I’ve had the “pleasure ” of doing that on the road to Chaco Canyon. I love the Sea of Cortez. We drove to Bahia Kino for Christmas quite a few years ago. (It’s on the east side of SoC.)
    Anne, Saturday I’m running the Lafayette Oatmeal 5k. I just started running again. Say hi to the Sea for me and know, I’m always sending the love. Enjoy kids, love the pics!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I Did! It felt good and then we drove up to Evergreen to eat where my son works. Revival. Great place. We are going on a hike today before it turns cold and snowy maybe tonight. It is very dry here. I’m glad you are living la Vida loca.♥


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